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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175



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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2024-03-11 10:11瀏覽次數:132


    (1 江蘇句容抽水蓄能有限公司,江蘇 句容 212416;
    2 國網上海崇明供電公司,上海 202150)
        摘 要:研究了雙向 DC/DC 拓撲的蓄電池守護裝置的諧波穩定性問題。針對常見的雙向 DC/DC 拓撲建立了系統的時域穩態模型,通過傅里葉變換映射至基于諧波狀態空間的頻域諧波模型,分析了系統中的電力電子非線性元件及調制方式對直流輸出電壓的影響。通過構建諧波傳遞函數,采用廣義奈奎斯特穩定判據分析了不同控制參數下諧波模型的穩定性?;?MATLAB/Simulink 仿真平臺,驗證了所建模型的正確性及分析方法的有效性。
        關鍵詞: 雙向DC/DC 拓撲;蓄電池守護裝置;諧波狀態空間;諧波傳遞函數;廣義奈奎斯特
        中圖分類號:TM912     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2024)02-0019-05
    Harmonic Modeling and Stability Analysis of Battery Guard Device
    WANG Jian-yu1, LIU Tian-yuan1, CAO Xu1, HUANG Zheng-tao1, WU Qing2
    (1 Jiangsu Jurong Pumped Storage Co., Ltd, Jurong 212416, China;
    2 State Grid Shanghai Chongming Power Supply Company, Shanghai 202150, China)
        Abstract: The harmonic stability of battery guardian devices in bidirectional DC/DC topology was studied in this paper. Firstly, the time-domain steady-state model of the system is established for the common bidirectional DC/DC topology, and then the influence of the nonlinear components and modulation modes of power electronics on the DC output voltage is analyzed by mapping to the frequency domain harmonic model based on harmonic state space by Fourier transform. By constructing the harmonic transfer function, the stability of harmonic models under different control parameters is analyzed by using the generalized Nyquist stability criterion. Finally, based on the MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform, the correctness of the model and the effectiveness of the analysis method are verified.
        Key words: bidirectional DC/DC topology; battery guard device; harmonic state space; harmonic transfer function; generalized Nyquist
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