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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2017-11-16 14:16 瀏覽次數:3
    (1 LEADER新能源科技投資(澳門)有限公司,澳門 999078;2 北京航空航天大學 自動化科學與電氣工程學院,北京 100191;
    3 可利電氣(珠海)有限公司,廣東 珠海 519085)
        摘 要:闡述了一種智能化塑殼斷路器基于防孤島協助隔離控制應用中的優化設計策略與遠程應用的實現。結合市售配裝電動操作機構并附帶脫扣功能的塑殼斷路器的常規結構特點,方案設計后使其滿足防孤島協助控制機理條件下的模塊化電動操作配合機構與智能脫扣、自復位系統,實現能兼容不同額定電流容量規格斷路器的一種遠程控制系統裝置,完善了塑殼斷路器的既有功能及機外附件的互換性,提升了終端用戶配套選型與檢修使用體驗。
        中圖分類號:TM561        文獻標識碼:A        文章編號:1007-3175(2017)11-0059-06
    Optimized Design of Moulded Case Circuit Breaker Remote Control for Anti-Islanding Isolation
    LIAN Shi-jun1,3, WU Jian-wen2, ZHANG Lu-ming1,3, YANG Gan3
    (1 LEADER New-Energy Science & Technology Investment (Macao) Limited Company, Macao 999078, China;
    2 School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China;
    3 Keli Electric (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd, Zhuhai 519085, China)
        Abstract: This paper expounded a kind of intelligentized moulded case circuit breaker, based on the optimized design strategy and remote practical implementation of anti-islanding assisting isolation control. Combining with the common, structural features of moulded case circuit breaker equipped with electric operating mechanism attaching tripping function, this paper designed a modularization electro dynamic operating mechanism, intelligent release and automatic trip-resetting system, which met the condition of anti-islanding assisting isolation control mechanism, to realize a kind of remote control system device compatible with different rated current capacity specification circuit breaker, to perfect the existing function of circuit breaker and the interchangeability of off-line appendicular and to promote the end-user mating model selection and overhaul usage experience.
        Key words: anti-islanding isolation; moulded case circuit breaker; electro dynamic operating mechanism; magnetic trip unit; automatic trip-resetting
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