(江蘇德力化纖有限公司,江蘇 宿遷 223800)
摘 要:由于設計配置及安全防護不當等原因,動力UPS 在電網閃絡時不能完全給變頻器平穩供電,保證其平穩運行。以某20萬t/年熔體直接紡絲裝置為例,對動力UPS的主要設備的設計配置做了詳細說明,并分析了這些配置的合理性、必要性。經在熔體直接紡絲生產實際應用表明,這種配置的可靠性、安全性得到了檢驗,能夠長周期平穩運行,性價比較好。
中圖分類號:TM919 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)11-0045-03
Analysis of Power Uninterrupted Power Supply Design Configuration in Melt Direct Spinning Production
SONG Jiang-song
(Jiangsu Deli Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd, Suqian 223800, China)
Abstract: Because of design configuration and improper safety protection, when the power grid produces flashover, the power uninterrupted power supply (UPS) can’t completely gave stable power supply for the inverter so as to ensure its smooth running. Taking certain 20 million tons per year melt direct spinning device for example, this paper elaborated on the design configuration of main equipment of power UPS and analyzed the rationality and necessity of these configuration. The practical application of melt direct spinning production shows that the reliability and safety are inspected with long period smooth running and better cost performance.
Key words: power uninterrupted power supply; polyester; inverter; storage battery
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