(1 廣東工業大學 自動化學院,廣東 廣州 510006;2 廣州擎天實業有限公司,廣東 廣州 510300)
摘 要:全橋推挽式雙向DC/DC變換器大都采用狀態空間平均法來建模,建模過程復雜。以隔離型推挽式雙向DC/DC變換器為研究對象,采用PWM開關模型法獲得了變換器的等效電路模型?;谠摰刃P?,構建了變換器在不同工作模式下的閉環控制系統,進行了電壓控制環的設計和校正,實現了不同工作模式下的恒壓充放電控制策略。實驗和仿真結果驗證了結論的正確性。
中圖分類號:TM464 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)11-0014-04
Modeling and Control of Full Bridge Push-Pull Bi-Directional DC/DC Converter
ZHANG Jun-hui1, TANG Xiong-min1, ZHANG Miao1, SUN Jun-guang2
(1 School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;
2 Guangzhou Kinte Industrial Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510300, China)
Abstract: Full bridge push-pull bi-directional DC/DC converters are mostly modeled by state space averaging method with the complex modeling process. Taking the isolated form push-pull bi-directional DC/DC converter as the research object, this paper adopted the pulse-width modulation switch model method to obtain the equivalent circuit model of this converter. Based on this model, this paper constructed a closedloop control system of the converter under different working modes, carried out the design and verification of voltage control loop and realized the constant voltage charge-discharge control strategy. The experimental and simulation results verify the correctness of the conclusion.
Key words: full bridge push-pull; pulse-width modulation switch model; constant voltage control
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