(蘇州大學 電子信息學院,江蘇 蘇州 215006)
摘 要:在中央空調管道清洗機器人的機械結構設計基礎上,研究了基于STM32芯片的通風管道清洗機器人開放式控制系統,完成了清洗機器人的控制策略和控制系統軟/ 硬件結構設計。相較其他通風管道清洗機器人,此方案配備了灑水器,改進了清洗裝置,利用WIFI無線通信控制,采用了履帶式結構。經性能測試,該機器人結構簡單,清洗能力突出,續航時間長,控制靈活,系統工作穩定。
關鍵詞:通風管道;清洗機器人;控制系統;WIFI 無線通信
中圖分類號:TM571 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)11-0006-04
Design of Control System for Ventilating Duct Cleaning Robot
HUANG Ying, LI Yan, MA Dian-yu, GU Shao-ran, FANG Er-xi
(School of Electronics and Information, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China)
Abstract: Based on the mechanical structure design of central air conditioning pipeline cleaning robot, this paper researched the open type control system for the ventilating duct cleaning robots based on the chip of STM32, completed the control strategy of cleaning robots and realized the design of control system software and hardware structure. Compared with other ventilating duct cleaning robots, this solution was equipped with a sprinkler so as to improve the cleaning device, made use of WIFI communication control and adopted the caterpillar structure. The performance tests show that this robot has the advantages of simple structure, outstanding cleaning ability, long time of endurance, flexible control and stable operation of the system.
Key words: ventilating duct; cleaning robot; control system; WIFI communication
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