(河北農業大學 機電工程學院,河北 保定 071001)
摘 要:針對無功電壓管理現狀和自動電壓控制(AVC)系統運行期間出現的問題,通過創新指標評價體系,開展系統在線診斷評估,應用大數據分析,協同三級調度管理,利用優化AVC控制策略、增加風火協調控制、強化缺陷閉環管控、加強電壓監控調整、合理調整運行方式等手段,從管理手段和技術措施兩方面入手,有效提升了無功電壓管理水平,實現了無功電壓分時分站精準控制。
中圖分類號:TM714.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)12-0063-05
Reactive Voltage Precise Control Implement with Big Data Analysis of Power Grid Operation
CAO Yuan
(Hebei Agricultural University M&E College, Baoding 071001, China)
Abstract: In allusion to the problems existing in the current management situation of reactive voltage and during the system operation of automatic voltage control (AVC), this paper used the innovated index system to carry out online evaluation, applied big data analysis and cooperated with three-level dispatching management, by optimizing AVC control strategy, increasing the coordination control between wind power and thermal power, intensifying defects closed loop control, reinforcing voltage monitoring adjustment and adjusting reasonable operation mode etc methods. From the respects of management tools and technical measures, the system improved the management level of reactive voltage, realizing the time-sharing and substation-sharing precise control of reactive voltage.
Key words: reactive voltage; automatic voltage control; power factor
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