(華中科技大學 電氣與電子工程學院,湖北 武漢 430074)
摘 要:針對含高滲透率光伏的聯合發電系統優化運行問題,提出了聯合系統協調優化模型。對含高滲透率光伏電場的聯合發電系統差異性進行研究,分析得出運行優化特征;綜合考慮常規機組燃料成本、啟停成本、排污成本及棄光量,建立了以聯合發電系統各供能主體的逐時出力與火電機組的啟停變量為優化變量的目標函數,通過模型求解,實現聯合發電系統的整體運行成本與棄光量最小的優化目標;所提出模型能夠最大程度提高系統光伏電場接納能力以及含高滲透率光伏發電電力系統的運行經濟性。應用該模型對一個測試系統進行計算仿真和分析,結果證明了模型的適用性和有效性。
中圖分類號:TM615 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)01-0023-04
Study on Optimal Operation of Joint Power System with High Permeability Photovoltaic Electric Field
WU Zhi-ming
(School of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the optimal operation of the combined power generation system with high permeability photovoltaic, this paper proposed a joint system coordination and optimization model. This paper researched on the difference of the joint generation system with high permeability photovoltaic and obtained the operation optimization characteristics. Based on this, considering the conventional unit fuel cost, start and stop cost, sewage cost and the amount of discarded light, this paper established the objective functions taking the starting and stopping variables of time-dependent output and thermal power unit of main energy supply of combined operation system as the optimization variables. The solution method for model realized the optimal operation target of combined operation system and the minimum amount of discarded light. The proposed model can improve the maximum capacity of the system photovoltaic system and the operating economy of high-permeability photovoltaic power generation system. This model is used to carry out the system test and simulation analysis. The results verify the applicability and validity of the model.
Key words: high permeability photovoltaic energy; joint generation system; coordinated optimization model; time-dependent output
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