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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2018-01-22 13:22 瀏覽次數:611
    (廣東電網有限責任公司佛山供電局,廣東 佛山 528011)
        摘 要:分布式電源(DG)并網對配網線損會造成重要影響,但目前仍缺乏成熟的量化分析指標。開展了比較系統的含分布式電源的配網線損指標體系研究,梳理了配網線損的內部影響因素,將其分為線路基本屬性、運行參數及管理因素等三大類;分析了DG對配網內部主要影響因素的影響,建立包含DG負荷需求、并網特點、運行方式及機組配置等四方面的外部影響指標體系,以指標高貢獻率與計算分析方便為原則從中篩選得到實用影響指標,并以此為基礎進行影響模式的具體理論分析;以某典型10 kV 配網模型為例,定量地分析DG在不同并網容量、并網位置和并網運行方式下對配網各部分線損的影響,所得結論可為DG的電網規劃及電網的降損規劃提供理論指導。
        中圖分類號:TM727     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2018)01-0017-06
    Research on Influence Indexes of Line Loss on Distribution Network Considering Distributed Generation
    LIU Ruo-yu, YANG Yong, CHEN Hui, LIN Huai-de
    (Foshan Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Foshan 528011 , China)
        Abstract: Distributed generation has a significant impact on line loss of the distribution network. However, there is still a lack of mature quantitative analysis index. This paper has carried out a systematic research on the distribution network line loss index system considering distributed generation of compared system. The internal factors influencing on the line loss were divided into three categories: basic attributes, operating parameters and management factors. This paper analyzed the DG impact on the main influence factors inside distribution network, established the external influence index system including DG load demand, grid connection characteristics, operation mode and unit configuration. Practical influence indexes were chosen on the basis of the higher contribution rate of index, as well as its easier analysis accessibility. On this basis, this paper carried out the concrete theoretical analysis of influence mode. Taking a typical 10 kV distribution model for example, this paper quantificationally analyzed the influence of DG on each part of line loss of the distribution network under the different grid connected capacity, location and operation mode. The conclusion can provide the theoretical guidance for DG grid planning and power loss planning.
        Key words: distributed generation; distribution network line loss; influence index system; practical influence index
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