(1 廣東水利電力職業技術學院 電力系,廣東 廣州 510635;2 華南理工大學 電力學院,廣東 廣州 510640)
摘 要:對多端柔性直流輸電系統中受端交流側發生故障時的功率再分配進行了研究。通過改變受端非故障側電壓下降控制特性的有功定值,可實現各受端在不過載的情況下的功率再分配。運用PSCAD軟件建立了三端柔性直流輸電系統模型并進行了仿真,仿真結果表明,提出的控制策略在交流電網故障時可實現功率再分配目標,并能很好地保證系統直流電壓的穩定和功率的平衡。
中圖分類號:TM721.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)01-0013-04
Power Redistribution of Multi-Terminal Flexible-HVDC System Under Alternating Current Network Fault of Receiving End
GAO Ai-yun1, ZHU Lin2, CAI Ze-xiang2
(1 Guangdong Technical College of Water Resources and Electric Engineering, Guangzhou 510635, China;
2 Electric Power College of South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)
Abstract: This paper researched on the power redistribution of multi-terminal flexible-HVDC system when the alternating current (AC) side of receiving end was failure. By changing the active power constant value of voltage droop control characteristic at non-fault side of receiving end, the receiving end under non overload could realize the power redistribution. The software PSCAD was used to build the three-terminal flexible-HVDC model and carried out simulation. The results show that the proposed control strategy can realize the objective of the power redistribution when the AC network is failure and can keep the stabilization of direct current (DC) voltage and the balance
of system power.
Key words: alternating current side fault of receiving end; power redistribution; voltage droop control; three-terminal flexible-HVDC system
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