(中國南方電網超高壓輸電公司柳州局,廣西 柳州 545006)
摘 要:針對某變電站220 kV GIS安裝驗收、運行維護過程中發現的問題,基于產品結構與特點,對缺陷情況進行分析,并結合相關規程規定及現場安裝經驗提出了相應的防護措施,指出在現場安裝驗收時,應根據安裝環境變化,制定適宜措施對安裝質量進行把控,為GIS設備的安全穩定運行提供保障。
中圖分類號:TM595 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)02-0056-03
Discussion on Quality Control During Installation and Acceptance of Gas Insulated Switchgear
ZHANG Wei, CAI Xin, FANG Bo-yi
(Liuzhou Bureau, China Southern Power Grid EHV Power Transmission Company, Liuzhou 545006, China)
Abstract: According to the problems found in the process of installation, acceptance, operation and maintenance of 220 kV gas insulated switchgear (GIS) in the transformer substation, this paper analyzed the defects of the product structure and characteristics. Combining with the relevant regulations and field installation experience, this paper proposed the corresponding safeguard procedures and pointed out that when the field installation was checked and accepted, the environmental change of installation should be considered to set out the suitable measures to control the installation quality, which provides the safeguard for the safe and stable operation of GIS equipment.
Key words: gas insulated switchgear; fault; installation and acceptance; protective measure
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