(國網浙江省電力公司電力科學研究院,浙江 杭州 310014)
摘 要:針對高壓電纜缺陷狀態開展模擬試驗研究,設計搭建了高壓電纜狀態仿真平臺。該仿真平臺由升壓單元、電纜模型單元、升流單元和控制測量單元組成,集成了局部放電、溫度、接地電流等在線監測裝置,可模擬制作各類主絕緣、半導電、接地系統及絕緣件缺陷。針對仿真平臺各組成部分功能,通過精度校驗和試驗校核,分析驗證其試驗、檢測能力,確保試驗結果的準確性和精確性。分析結果表明,該仿真平臺具備模擬高壓電纜各類絕緣缺陷并進行檢測分析、狀態評估的能力。
中圖分類號:TM247 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)02-0050-06
Functional Analysis of High-Voltage Cable Simulation Platform Based on Analog Experiment
JIANG Yu-kuan, TONG Jun, LIU Hao-jun, WANG Shao-hua, ZHOU Xiang-xian, LI Te, YANG Yong
(State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 310014, China)
Abstract: According to the simulation experiment of the high voltage cable defect state, this paper designed and constructed a high voltage cable state simulation platform. The simulation platform included booster unit, cable model unit, up-flow unit and control-measure unit and integrated partial discharge, temperature and ground current etc online monitoring devices, being able to simulate various types of main insulation, semi-conductive layer, grounding system and insulation defects with measurement. In view of the function of each component of the simulation platform, the accuracy of the test results are verified and analyzed through the verification of the accuracy and test. The analysis results show that the simulation platform has the ability to simulate all kinds of insulation defects of high voltage cables, and to detect, analyze and evaluate the status.
Key words: high-voltage cable; defect simulation; detection technology; functional analysis
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