(國網天津市電力公司濱海供電分公司,天津 300450)
摘 要:如果配調系統Ⅰ區與Ⅲ區之間數據鏈路故障次數過多,就會嚴重影響配調系統的正常運行,威脅到電網的安全穩定運行。以濱海新區配網系統為例,基于網絡拓撲技術,通過對配調系統Ⅰ區與Ⅲ區之間的橫向隔離裝置進行改造,增加了橫向隔離裝置的帶寬,減少了配調系統Ⅰ區與Ⅲ區之間的數據鏈路故障次數,提高了濱海調控中心對配網的監控能力,保障了配電網的安全穩定運行。
中圖分類號:TM73;TN915.04 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)02-0038-04
Method Reducing Data Link Faults Based on Network Topology Technology
WANG Shen-jie, PAN Na, LIU Xing, XU Zhi-cheng, GUO Xin, ZHEN Qing
(Binhai Power Supply Branch Company, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company, Tianjin 300450, China)
Abstract: If there are much more data link faults between distribution and dispatching system region I and region III, the distribution and dispatching system will not operate normally, which threatens the safe and stable operation of grid. Taking the distribution network system in Binhai New Area for example, based on the network topology technology, the crosswise isolating device was reformed to increase its bandwidth, to reduce data link faults between distribution and dispatching system region I and region III, to raise the monitoring capability for the distribution network from Binhai adjusting and controlling centre, which guarantees the safe and stable operation of the distribution network.
Key words: network topology technology; dispatching system; production control region; supervisory information region; data link fault
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