(福州天宇電氣股份有限公司,福建 福州 350012)
摘 要:介紹了三繞組高阻抗電力變壓器的短路阻抗的計算方法、典型的繞組布置情況和不同運行方式。給出了各種運行方式下的等值漏磁空道面積的變化情況和計算方法,并推導出了漏磁通分為方向相反的兩部分時的等值漏磁空道面積計算的新方法,指出了三繞組高阻抗變壓器在極限分接運行時的短路阻抗和額定短路阻抗的變化關系。將計算結果與試驗值進行比較,偏差都小于2%,說明計算公式符合工程計算要求。
中圖分類號:TM426 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)02-0027-06
Short Circuit Impedance Calculation of Three-Winding High Impedance Transformer
CHEN Bo-gen
(Fuzhou Tianyu Electric Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350012, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to the calculation method of short-circuit impedance, the typical winding arrangement and different operation modes of the three-winding high impedance transformer. This paper gave the change and calculation method of the equivalent magnetic flux leakage path area under various modes of operation and inferred a new method for calculating the equivalent magnetic flux leakage path area when the magnetic flux leakage was divided into two parts with opposite directions, pointing out the relationship between short-circuit impedance and the rated short-circuit impedance of the three-winding high impedance transformer during the limit tap operation. The computed result was compared with the experimental value and the deviation was less that 2%, which shows that the computational formula conforms to the requirements of engineering calculation.
Key words: three-winding high impedance transformer; short circuit impedance; equivalent magnetic flux leakage path area
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