(廣東電網有限責任公司肇慶供電局,廣東 肇慶 526060)
摘 要:保護、安自裝置在驗收及定檢工作中須測量動作情況及動作時間。對原保護出口檢測裝置進行改進,增加獲取繼保試驗儀故障量起始時刻功能,可測得保護不同時限動作的具體時間;增加直流電源提供電路,解決保護裝置出口壓板無對應直流電源時儀器無法檢測的問題;將出口壓板檢測端子聚類定義,縮減至24路,并開發觸屏功能,可對各路輸入簡稱進行修改,更靈活地適應不同保護出口壓板情況;更換出口壓板脈沖檢測電路,提高輸入電阻,使其更為簡單可靠。
中圖分類號:TM774 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)03-0054-03
Improvements on Protection Export Detection Device
SU Jie-feng, TAN Zi-yi, LEI Yu, LIANG Zhi-hao, PENG Pai
(Zhaoqing Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd, Zhaoqing 526060, China)
Abstract: The protection, safety and automatic device needs to measure the action conditions and time in the check, accept and regular checking work. The primary protection export detection device was carried out improvement to increase the function of obtaining fault initial time for relay protection tester, which could measure the specific time for the action of different time about protection, and to increase the direct current (DC) power supply circuits to solve the problem of not detecting for instrument without corresponding DC Power supply for protection device export plate, which could achieve cluster definition of export plate detection terminal, reducing to 24 roads, and developed touch-screen functions. Each input abbreviation could be modified to more flexibly adapt to different situations of protection export plate. The pulse detection circuit of export plate was replaced to improve the input resistance, so as to make it more simple and reliable.
Key words: detection device; export pressing plate; export matrix; micro-computer measurement; improvement
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