(三峽大學 電氣與新能源學院,湖北 宜昌 443002)
摘 要:針對微網經濟優化運行問題,建立了集中控制式微網的優化調度模型,提出了其經濟優化運行策略,采用自適應煙花算法在MATLAB軟件中對算例的冬季并網運行進行仿真求解,通過對算例優化結果的分析,證明了自適應煙花算法適用于求解具有多約束、多目標、非線性特點的微網運行優化問題。從算法性能和計算代價方面將自適應煙花算法、增強煙花算法、粒子群算法進行了比較,驗證了自適應煙花算法具有更好地尋優能力。
中圖分類號:TM731 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)03-0022-07
Economic Operation Optimization of Micro-Grid Based on Adaptive Fireworks Algorithm
HUANG Jue, CHEN Xu, SU Ai -yu-yang
(College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the optimizing operation problem of micro-grid economic, this paper established the optimized dispatching model of centralized control micro-grid, proposed its economic optimizing operation strategy and adopted the self-adaptive firework algorithm to carry out simulation solution for examples’ grid-connected operation of winter in MATLAB software. The optimization results show that the selfadaptive firework algorithm is suitable to solve the micro-grid optimizing operation problem with the characteristics of multiple constraints, multiple target and nonlinearity. From the aspects of algorithm performance and computation cost, this paper compared the self-adaptive firework algorithm, the enchanced firework algorithm and the particle swarm optimization, which verifies that the self-adaptive firework algorithm has better ability of searching optimization.
Key words: micro-grid; optimizing operation; fireworks algorithm; micro power
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