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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2018-03-22 10:22 瀏覽次數:705
    (廣東電網有限責任公司東莞供電局,廣東 東莞 523008)
        摘 要:將電網劃分成若干個子區域進行控制,可以節省計算時間,提升控制效率和效果,改善電壓穩定性,防止電壓崩潰。介紹了無功電壓控制分區概念、電網分區原則及無功電壓控制分區方式和方法。從基于靈敏度電氣距離采用啟發式方法、聚類方法分區,基于復雜網絡理論的分區等方面對現有的分區方法研究進行綜述,闡述了各種方法的優缺點,并指出了未來研究及發展方向。
        中圖分類號:TM714     文獻標識碼:A      文章編號:1007-3175(2018)03-0001-06
    Research Overview of Reactive Voltage Control Partitioning for Power Systems
    ZHANG Yan-yan
    (Dongguan Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd, Dongguan 523008, China)
        Abstract: That the power network is divided into several sub regions to control can not only save the calculation time, but also promote the control efficiency and control effect, effectively improve the voltage stability and prevent the occurrence of voltage collapse. This paper introduced the concept of reactive voltage control partitioning, the power network partitioning principle and the reactive voltage control partitioning mode and method. The existing partitioning method was carried out research and summary from the adoption of the heuristic and clustering methods partitioning based on sensitivity electrical distance and the partitioning based on the complex network theory etc aspects. This paper expounded the relative merits of various methods and pointed out the future research and development direction.
        Key words: power system; reactive voltage control; reactive voltage control partitioning; partitioning method
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