(東南大學 電氣工程學院,江蘇 南京 210096)
摘 要:基于能源互聯網背景,研究了需求側資源信息流和能量流的雙向互動,分析了需求響應與調度控制、數據信息、交易平臺等其他能源互聯網重要技術的深度融合,并設計了能源互聯網下需求響應運作機制,最終實現利用互聯網技術,促進以電力系統為核心的大能源網絡內各類設備的交互,達到多源互補、節能減排、提高能效的目的。
中圖分類號:TK01+9;TM734 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)04-0065-04
Research on Demand Response Under Energy Internet
ZHOU Xiao-wei, TAN Jin-jing, CHEN Xin-ru
(School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)
Abstract: Based on the energy Internet background, this paper studied on the interaction of the resource information flow with the energy flow at demand side, analyzed demand response and dispatcher control, data information and transaction platform etc other important technology deep integrations of energy Internet and designed demand response operational mechanism under energy Internet, to finally realize making use of Internet technology to promote various equipment integrations of big energy network to reach the goal of multisource complementary, energy conservation and emission reduction, and energy efficiency improvement.
Key words: energy Internet; demand response; scheduling technology; data information technology; data exchange platform technology; operational mechanism
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