(福建省產品質量檢驗研究院,福建 福州 350002)
摘 要:低壓成套開關設備在滿足防護等級IP65 前提下對其進行溫升試驗,針對試驗過程中存在主開關斷路器脫扣以及某些溫升測量部位溫升值超過允許值的現象,結合三次溫升試驗測試數據結果進行原因分析,提出適當增加排氣孔或者利用排氣扇進行排氣散熱,選用開關性能良好以及額定電流比溫升試驗電流高一個等級,適當提高導線、銅排截面積尺寸等改進措施,來避免問題的再次出現。
中圖分類號:TM643 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)04-0056-03
Analysis of Temperature Rise Test Problems of IP65 Low-Voltage Switchgear Assembly
ZHANG Ye-zhen
(Fujian Inspection and Research Institute for Product Quality, Fuzhou 350002, China)
Abstract: The temperature rise test was carried out under the premise meeting the IP65 low-voltage switchgear. In allusion to the phenomenon that the main circuit breaker tripped and the temperature of some measured parts was beyond the permitted value in the test process, combining with three-time temperature rise tests data this paper analyzed the results, proposed to add gas vents or to use fans to carry out breathing and heat dissipation, selected the good switching performance and higher grade ratio of rated current to temperature rise test current, and properly improved the measures of sectional area size of wire and copper bar to avoid the problem reappearing.
Key words: low-voltage switchgear; ingress protection; temperature rise test; improvement measure
[1] GB 7251.1—2013 低壓成套開關設備和控制設備 第1部分:總則[S].
[2] GB 14048.1—2012 低壓開關設備和控制設備 第1部分:總則[S].