(首鋼京唐鋼鐵聯合有限責任公司,河北 唐山 063200)
摘 要:針對大型鋼鐵企業電力微網的綜合自動化和智能化的技術問題,通過理論和模擬并結合生產實際,采用電力微網智能故障分析診斷與預警技術及電力系統負荷預測等高級應用軟件,來實現電網運行方式的規劃研究、智能控制和解決目前電網存在的客觀問題。該技術促進了發電、變電、用電的安全性、可靠性和經濟性,并達到提高電能質量的目的。
中圖分類號:TM76 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)04-0040-04
Application of Intelligent Technology of Power Microgrid in Iron and Steel Enterprises
CAI Zhi-quan, TIAN Dong-ming, WANG Shao-chong, WANG Xiao-qing
(Shougang Jingtang United Iron and Steel Joint Co., Ltd, Tangshan 063200, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the comprehensive automation and intelligent technical problems of power microgrid in large iron and steel enterprises, by the theory and simulation and the combination of production reality, this paper adopted the advanced application software of power microgrid intelligent fault analysis diagnosis, the early warning technology and the power system load forecasting to realize the planning study and intelligent control of the grid operation mode and to solve the existing objective problems in power microgrid, which promotes the safety, reliability and economy of power generation, substation and electricity, and reaches the purpose of improving power quality.
Key words: iron and steel enterprise; power microgrid; intelligent; load forecasting; power quality
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