基于電力內網的輸電線路離線Google Earth應用
1 國網浙江省電力公司檢修分公司,浙江 杭州 311232;
2 國網浙江省電力公司電力科學研究院,浙江 杭州 310014;
3 國網浙江省電力公司,浙江 杭州 310007
摘 要:從電力內網所處的環境出發,分析了Google Earth的工作模式及應用原理,提出了一種基于電力內網輸電線路離線Google Earth應用方法。根據輸電線路在各地區的分布情況,分地區在互聯網計算機上獲取線路途經地區影像緩存數據,并在電力內網計算機上對獲取數據進行本地維護,實現在電力內網上輕松使用離線Google Earth軟件,做到足不出戶就能開展輸電線路現場踏勘等三維作業,提高了輸電線路管理效率。
關鍵詞:電力內網;離線Google Earth;輸電線路;注冊表;路徑
中圖分類號:TM726 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)02-0037-04
Offline Google Earth Application of Transmission Line Based on Power Intranet
SU Liang-zhi1, WANG Shao-hua2, JIANG Wen-dong3, HAN Chun-lei1
1 State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company Maintenance Branch, Hangzhou 311232, China;
2 State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 310014, China;
3 State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310007, China
Abstract: Starting from the environment of electric intranet, this paper analyzed the working mode and application principle of Google Earth and proposed a kind of offline Google Earth application method based on power intranet transmission line. According to the distribution of transmission line in various regions, the region image cache data of transmission line was memorized through the Internet computer, and then the acquired local data was maintained on the power network computer. It is easy to use offline Google Earth software on electric intranet. The transmission lines realized on-site reconnaissance and 3D operation indoors, which improves the management benefit of transmission line.
Key words: electric intranet; offline Google Earth; transmission line; registry; path
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