(中國南方電網超高壓輸電公司廣州局,廣東 廣州 510663)
摘 要:由于特高壓換流站特殊的配置,相比變電站,在避雷器在線監測設計方面有許多不同。以某換流站為例,對換流站內的幾種典型避雷器在線監測回路進行了介紹,同時針對運行過程中,電磁干擾引起避雷器告警信號誤發,避雷器、計數器和傳感器接線錯誤等,對避雷器在線監測裝置暴露的一些問題進行了分析,為直流輸電系統的運行、維護及直流輸電工程的設計實施提供了參考。
中圖分類號:TM862 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)05-0064-03
Abnormal Analysis of Online Monitoring of Arrester in UHVDC Converter Station
YAO Yan-chao, XU Pan-teng, ZHOU Deng-bo, LI Shuang-jie
(EHV Transmission Companies Guangzhou Office of China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510663, China)
Abstract: Due to the special configuration of the UHVDC converter station, there are many differences in the design of the arrester online monitoring compared to the substation. Taking certain converter station for example, this paper introduced several typical arrester online monitoring circuits in converter stations, in the meantime, aiming at the arrester warning signal sending in error and wiring errors of arrester, counter and sensor etc caused by electromagnetic interference in the process of operation, this paper analyzed some problems of arrester online monitoring devices exposed during operation, which provides references for operation, maintenance of direct current transmission system and its transmission projects design implementation.
Key words: converter station; arrester; on-line monitoring; sensor
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