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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2018-05-09 13:09 瀏覽次數:736
    (廣東電網有限責任公司東莞供電局,廣東 東莞 523000)
        摘 要:高壓開關柜對其開展局放檢測,及早發現絕緣缺陷,意義重大。介紹了暫態對地電壓(TEV)及超聲波(AE)檢測方法,結合現場經驗,從聲電結合、趨勢分析等方面總結了這兩種方法在現場的應用;分析了開關柜產生局部放電的原因,給出了廣東電網某10 kV開關柜的局放案例分析,案例表明基于TEV和AE原理的檢測技術在現場的應用效果較好,為后續的現場檢測工作提供參考。
        中圖分類號:TM591     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2018)05-0059-05
    Field Application of Detection Technology for High Voltage Switchgear
    ZHANG Xian-long, LI Tong
    (Dongguan Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd, Dongguan 523000, China)
        Abstract: it is very important for high voltage switchgears to carry out partial discharge test so as to find the insulation defects early. Introduction was made to the transient earth voltage(TEV) and acoustic emission(AE) detection methods. Combining with the field experience, this paper summarized the application of two methods from the aspects of the combination of sound and electricity and trend analysis, and analyzed the reasons for the partial discharge of the switchgear, giving the case analysis of 10 kV switchgear partial discharge in certain Guangdong power grid. The case shows that the detection technology based on TEV and AE principles has good application effect on the field, which provides important references for subsequent field detection.
        Key words: switchgear; partial discharge; transient earth voltage; acoustic emission; detection
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