(國網蕪湖供電公司,安徽 蕪湖 241000)
摘 要:間歇性新能源大規模接入電網后,將對電網產生重大影響,尤其在夏季持續高溫大負荷期間給地區電網調度運行和調峰帶來了挑戰。以蕪湖夏季電網負荷特性和間歇性新能源出力特性為研究對象,研究了蕪湖地區間歇性新能源與夏季負荷的相關性, 并統計分析了間歇性新能源對蕪湖夏季電網綜合負荷和調峰的影響。所得結論為將來更大規模間歇性新能源接入后給地區電網迎峰度夏以及新能源調度管理提供參考。
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)05-0014-04
Intermittent New Energy Impacts on Summer Peak in Regional Power Grid
HUANG Jin, XIA You-bin, XIAO Ya, HAN Ya-ping, ZHAO Jian-fei
(State Grid Wuhu Power Supply Company, Wuhu 241000, China)
Abstract: The intermittent new energy’s large-scale access to the grid will have a significant impact on the grid, especially bring challenges to the regional power grid dispatch operation and peak load regulation during the summer high temperature heavy load period. Taking the load characteristics of the Wuhu summer power grid and the intermittent new energy output characteristics for the research object, this paper studied on the correlation between the intermittent new energy and the summer load in the Wuhu area and carried out statistic analysis of the impacts of intermittent new energy on the comprehensive load and peak load regulation of Wuhu summer power grid. The conclusion can provide reference and guidance for the future large-scale intermittent new energy access to regional power grid peak summer and new energy dispatch management.
Key words: intermittent new energy; load characteristic; output characteristics; correlation; peak load regulation
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