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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2018-06-16 08:16 瀏覽次數:609
    (1 國網電動汽車服務有限公司,北京 100053;2 北京群菱能源科技有限公司,北京 100176)
        摘 要:開展充電設施關鍵性能指標、遠程檢測方法及健康狀態診斷技術研究,有利于電動汽車快速發展。提出了基于云平臺的充電設施遠程檢測與診斷系統,給出了具體實施方案,對研究方法及設備研發進行了闡述,并通過充電設施遠程檢測數據統計策略研究,提出可行性的解決方案,解決了電動汽車充電設施產業參差不齊,充電設施利用率低下,對用戶、車輛以及電網造成了安全隱患等一系列問題,確保了充電設施正常運營。
        中圖分類號:TM910.6 ;U469.72     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2018)06-0022-05
    Method Research of Charge Facility Remote Detection and Diagnosis Based on Cloud Platform
    CHEN Xiao-nan1, ZHANG Jin-bin2, LI Chao1
    (1 State Grid Electric Vehicle Service Co., Ltd, Beijing 100053;
    2 Beijing Qunling New Energy Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100176)
        Abstract: This paper researched on the key performance index of charge facility, remote detection method and health diagnostic technique, in favor of fast electric vehicle development. This paper proposed a charge facility remote detection and diagnosis system, gave the concrete implement plan and expounded the research method and equipment research and development. Via the strategy research of charge facility remote detection data statistics, this paper proposed the feasibility solution and solved a series of problems such as the irregularity of electric vehicle charge facility industry and low use ratio charge facility, which led to the potential safety hazard of power grid, so as to ensure the normal operation of charge facility.
        Key words: charge facility; cloud platform; electric vehicle; remote detection; remote diagnosis
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