(廣東電網公司佛山供電局,廣東 佛山 528000)
摘 要:針對目前的網損分攤方法難以應用到結構復雜的含分布式電源(DG)的配電網的情況,對網損分攤的對象進行了研究,并提出了一種改進平均網損系數法,該網損分攤方法可應用于結構復雜的含分布式電源的配電網。分析了某市配電網及分布式電源的發展現狀,說明該市電網的分布式電源主要接入于中低壓配電網。利用該方法對該市分布式電源應分攤的網損電量和經濟效益進行合理評估,結果表明該市分布式電源應分攤的網損電量較大,分布式電源理應承擔一定的網損。
中圖分類號:TM731 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)06-0016-06
Research on Transmission Loss Allocation method and Economic Benefit of Distribution Network Considering Distributed Generation
HUANG Fei, LIU Ruo-yu, LONG Xue-tao, OU Ming-xiu
(Foshan Electric Power Bureau, Foshan 528000, China)
Abstract: In allusion to the situation that the existing transmission loss allocation method is hard to apply to the complex distribution network with the distributed generation, this paper carried out the research on the transmission loss allocation object and proposed a kind of improved average transmission loss allocation method, which could be applied to the complex distribution network with the distributed generation. This paper analyzed the current development of the distribution network and the distributed generation in certain city and explained that the distributed generation of this city was mainly connected to the low and medium voltage distribution network. This method was used to reasonably evaluate the transmission loss electric quantity and the economic benefit which should be allocated by the distributed generation of this city. The results show that the transmission loss electric quantity is larger, so as to let the distributed generation bear the certain amount
of the transmission losses.
Key words: distributed generation; distribution network; transmission loss; allocation
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