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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2018-07-24 13:24 瀏覽次數:585
    (寧夏大學 物理與電子電氣工程學院,寧夏 銀川 750021)
        摘 要:為有效提高電力系統短期負荷預測精度及效率,提出一種基于主成分分析的BP神經網絡短期負荷預測優化算法。利用主成分分析法將多個原始變量降維成少數彼此獨立的變量作為輸入,并根據各主成分的貢獻率來確定網絡的結構,有效解決BP網絡預測精度與效率不高問題。在考慮氣象因素的影響下通過對某地區歷史負荷數據進行訓練仿真,平均預測精度接近98%,預測程序運行效率提高兩倍以上,仿真結果表明,該模型在效率和預測精度方面優于BP神經網絡模型。
        關鍵詞:主成分分析;負荷預測;BP 神經網絡
        中圖分類號:TM715    文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2018)07-0038-04
    Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Principal Component Analysis-Back
    Propagation Neural Network Considering Meteorological Factor
    WANG Hai-feng, JANG Yun-teng, LI Ping
    (School of Physics and Electronic-Electrical Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China)
        Abstract: In order to effectively improve the accuracy and efficiency of short-term load forecasting, this paper proposed a back propagation(BP) neural network short-term load forecasting optimization algorithm based on the principal component analysis. The principal component analysis method was used to reduce a number of original variables into a few independent variables as input, and to determine the network structure according to the contribution rate of the main components, and effectively solve the problem of low prediction accuracy and efficiency of BP network. Taking the influence of meteorological factors into consideration, the results of training and simulation of historical load data in a certain area show that the average prediction accuracy is close to 98%, which is more than two times of the running efficiency of the forecast program. The simulation results show that the model is superior to the BP neural network model in efficiency and prediction accuracy.
        Key words: principal component analysis; load forecasting; back propagation neural network
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