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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2018-07-24 16:24 瀏覽次數:613
    (1 國網遼寧省電力有限公司經濟技術研究院,遼寧 沈陽 110015;2 國網上海市電力公司,上海 200122)
        摘 要:觸發真空開關(TVS)是應用于脈沖功率技術的一種可控性良好的大功率開關器件,在電力系統和脈沖電源的應用領域內得到越來越多的應用。介紹了觸發真空開關的基本結構、分類及優點,分析了關于截流現象、初始等離子體和弧后電流的研究現狀,為今后觸發真空開關的研究與發展提供了參考。
        中圖分類號:TM564     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2018)07-0010-06
    Trigger Vacuum Switch Introduction and Research Status Summary
    MAN Lin-kun1, KONG Ling-dong2, GE Liang2
    (1 State Grid Liaoning Power Company Limited Economic Technology Research Institute, Shenyang 110015, China;
    2 State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company, Shanghai 200122, China)
        Abstract: The triggered vacuum switch (TVS) is a kind of controllable good, high-power switching device applied in the pulse power technology. The application of TVS was much wider in power system, as well as in pulsed power supply. Introduction was made to the basic structure, classification and merits of TVS. This paper analyzed the research status about the closure phenomenon, initial plasma and back arc current, which provides references for the research and development of following TVS.
        Key words: trigger vacuum switch; pulse power techniques; vacuum medium; arc plasma
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