一起220 kV線路縱聯零序方向保護誤動原因分析及對策
邵慶祝, 謝民,王同文,王海港
(國網安徽省電力公司,安徽 合肥 230022)
摘 要:針對一起220 kV 線路縱聯零序方向保護誤動事件,分析了環網系統接地故障零負序電流分布特征,結果表明在環網系統線路區外特定地點發生接地故障時,可能出現線路同一側零負序功率方向相反的情況,若兩側功率方向判據方法不一致,可能導致線路縱聯零序方向保護誤動。根據誤動原因分析,提出了改進措施,對提升系統線路縱聯保護可靠運行有良好的借鑒作用。
中圖分類號:TM773 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)08-0059-04
Analysis of Malfunction of 220 kV Line Pilot Zero-Sequence Direction Protection and Its Countermeasures
SHAO Qing-zhu, XIE Min, WANG Tong-wen, WANG Hai-gang
(State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company, Hefei 230022, China)
Abstract: In view of a malfunction event of 220 kV line pilot zero-sequence direction protection, this paper analyzed the distribution characteristics of the zero-negative-sequence current of grounding fault in the loop network system. The analysis shows that the zero-negativepower on one end of a line could be in the opposite direction when the grounding fault occurs at a specific location outside of the line in the loop network system. If the power direction criterion on two ends of the line is inconsistent, it may cause the malfunction of the line pilot zero-sequence direction protection. On the basis of the analysis of malfunction causes. This paper puts forward some improving measures, which could be used to improve the reliability of the line pilot protection with good reference functions.
Key words: pilot zero-sequence direction protection; grounding fault; malfunction; power direction criterion
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