一起特殊結構的110 kV CVT故障診斷與分析
(國網成都供電公司,四川 成都 610041)
摘 要:針對一種老式電容式電壓互感器(CVT)出現的二次失壓情況,進行了診斷試驗,并根據其結構特點進行了分析和綜合判斷,發現其電磁單元避雷器老化擊穿,從而導致CVT二次失壓。建議制造廠改進設計,將電磁單元變壓器的一次端通過小套管引出,便于用戶對其進行試驗。
中圖分類號:TM451+.2 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)08-0055-04
Fault Diagnosis and Analysis on 110 kV Constant Voltage Transformer with Special Structure
LUO Yang, LIU Yan-qin, YANG Xin-chun, PENG Xiao-juan, QIU Wei, TIAN Zi-shan
(State Grid Chengdu Supply Power Company, Chengdu 610041, China)
Abstract: In view of secondary circuit voltage loss situation of a kind of outdated capacitor voltage transformer (CVT), the diagnostic test was carried out. According to the structural features of the CVT, this paper performed the analysis and synthesis judgment, finding that the serious aging of arrester led to the secondary circuit voltage loss It is suggested that the manufacturer should improve the design and bring the primary end of electromagnetism element transformer out of a small drivepipe to be convenient for users to carry out tests.
Key words: capacitor voltage transformer; capacitance; dielectric loss; ratio of transformation; fault diagnosis
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