(上海電機學院 電氣學院,上海 201306)
摘 要:為了研究不同程度的負載波動對系統頻率偏差的影響,提出了考慮不同干擾類型和不同擾動程度的電力系統頻率響應頻域分析模型?;谠撃P屯茖Я穗娏ο到y頻率響應慣性常數的表達式,以及使用Simulink仿真了負載瞬間變化時對電力系統頻率響應的影響。仿真結果表明,同等程度的負載變化對頻率影響相似,負載增量越大,頻率下降的程度越大,下降時間越長。
中圖分類號:TM761+.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)10-0019-04
Research on Influence of Load Capacity Variation on Power System Frequency Response
CHU Xin, GAO Gui-ge, WU Kai, SUN Zhi-wei, HUANG Wen
(School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: In order to study the influence of different degrees of load fluctuation on the system frequency deviation, this paper proposed a frequency domain analysis model of power system frequency response considering different disturbance types and different disturbance levels. Based on the model, this paper deduced the inertia constant expression of power system frequency response and simulatedthe influence of transient load on the frequency response of power systemwith Simulink. The simulation results show that the same degree of load change has similar effect on frequency.The larger the load increment, the greater the frequency decrease and the longer the fall time.
Key words: load change; frequency response; inertia constant; frequency adjustment
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