南京供電公司,江蘇 南京 210019
摘 要:針對傳統配電網調度存在的問題,構建智能配電網優化調度全局優化目標,開展電源-網絡-負荷互動技術研究,建立一套全局優化調度策略庫和評估方案,并研制了智能配電網綜合優化調度系統。該系統在南京青奧智能電網示范區進行了成功應用,有效降低了負荷峰谷差和電網損耗,提高了區內電網的運行效率。
中圖分類號:TM712 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)10-0055-05
Research and Application of Intelligent Distribution Network Optimal Dispatch System
ZHOU Dong-xu, YUE Hao-yong, LUO Xing
Nanjing Power Supply Company, Nanjing 210019, China
Abstract: Aiming at the problem existing in traditional distribution network scheduling, this paper established the global optimization scheduling objective of intelligent distribution network, carried out the research on power supply-network-load interactive technology and established a set of global optimization scheduling strategy and evaluation scheme. On the basis of this, a comprehensive optimized scheduling system of intelligent power distribution network was developed. The system achieves successful application in Nanjing Qing'ao smart grid demonstration zone, and ensures the efficient operation of the power grid during the Youth Olympic Games, reducing the load peak valley difference and power loss effectively.
Key words: intelligent distribution network; optimized scheduling; global optimization; efficient operation
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