(1 湖南工業大學 電氣與信息工程學院,湖南 株洲 412007;2 電傳動控制與智能裝備湖南省重點實驗室,湖南 株洲 412007)
摘 要:在人工智能(AI)研究領域,智能控制的實現方法各不相同。分別對人工智能、無刷直流電機調速系統和模糊控制進行具體闡述,并分析了模糊控制在無刷直流電機模糊智能調速系統中的研究現狀與發展前景,指出由于模糊系統的參數和規則靠經驗來選擇難免會存在缺陷,只有結合不同算法的優勢,多種算法相輔相成,互為補充,才能構成一個完整的模糊智能控制系統,為研究優化控制領域的復雜問題提供了理論依據。
中圖分類號:TM33;TP13 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)11-0001-04
Research Summary of Fuzzy Intelligent Control Algorithms for Brushless Direct Current Motor Under AI Rush
XU Jing-cheng1,2, LING Yun1,2, HOU Wen-hao1,2
(1 College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China;
2 Key Laboratory for Electric Drive Control and Intelligent Equipment of Hunan Province, Zhuzhou 412007, China)
Abstract: In the research field of artificial intelligence, the implement method of intelligent control differs from one another. This paper concretely expounded the artificial intelligence, the brushless direct current (DC) motor speed control system and the fuzzy control, analyzed the research status and development prospect of the fuzzy control applied in the brushless DC motor speed control system and pointed out that there existed defects if depending on the experience selection of the fuzzy system parameters and rules. The only way was to combine with the advantages of different algorithm, made multiple algorithms supply with each other to construct a complete fuzzy intelligent control system, which provides the theoretical foundation for the complex problems of optimized control domain research.
Key words: artificial intelligence; intelligent control; brushless direct current motor; fuzzy control; optimization
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