不確定環境下江蘇500 kV立體電網新能源互聯層研究
(中國能源建設集團江蘇省電力設計院有限公司,江蘇 南京 211102)
摘 要:為了充分利用新能源出力間的互補特性,減小不確定性因素對電網帶來的影響,結合江蘇地區新能源出力特性,分析了江蘇各新能源基地出力間的Spearman相關性,并根據新能源基地間的互補特性,提出了500 kV立體電網新能源互聯層的構建方法。對含新能源互聯層的立體電網的分析結果表明,構建新能源互聯層的江蘇500 kV立體電網中過江通道潮流分布更為合理,新能源接納能力得到一定的提升。
關鍵詞:立體電網;新能源互聯層;Spearman 相關系數;互補特性;聚類分析;過江通道
中圖分類號:TM715;TM74 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)12-0036-05
Study on Interconnect Layer of New Energy in Jiangsu 500 kV Stereoscopic Power Grid with Uncertainty
GUAN Yong-gao, ZHEN Hong-ning, WANG Zhen-quan, SHI Chao
(China Energy Engineering Group, Jiangsu Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 2111 02, China)
Abstract: In order to take full advantage of the new energy complementary characteristic between outputs and to reduce the effect of the uncertain factors on the power grid, combining with the new energy outputs characteristic in Jiangsu area, this paper analyzed Spearman correlation between outputs in each new energy base of Jiangsu and proposed the construction method of 500 kV stereoscopic power grid new energy interconnect layer. The results of this study show that with the new energy interconnect layer, the power flow distribution in pathway crossing rivers is more reasonable and the consumptive abilities of new energy are improved.
Key words: stereoscopic power grid; new energy interconnect layer; Spearman correlation coefficient; complementary characteristic; cluster analysis; pathway crossing rivers
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