吳盛剛, 羅園
(甘肅電器科學研究院,甘肅 天水 741018)
摘 要:論述了高壓斷路器采用選相開合技術的原理以及在電網運行多個領域中的實際應用,分析了選相開合系統的可靠性問題,總結了其技術優勢及經濟價值。指出選相開合技術還存在諸多技術難題,如何將選相開合技術應用到短路故障開合領域將是今后的發展方向。
中圖分類號:TM561 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)12-0001-07
Application and Prospect of Phase Selection and Closing Technology for High Voltage Circuit Breakers
WU Sheng-gang, LUO Yuan
(Gansu Electric Apparatus Research Institute, Tianshui 741018, China)
Abstract: This paper discussed the principle using phase selection and closing technology for high voltage circuit breakers and its practical application in many fields of power grid operation. This paper analyzed the reliability problem of phase selection and closing system and summarized its technological superiority and economic value. It is pointed out that there are still many technical problems in the phase selection and closing technology and how to apply the technology to the field of short-circuit fault opening and closing is the development direction in the future.
Key words: high voltage circuit breaker; phase selection and closing; transient process; phase angle; controller
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