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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-03-11 12:11 瀏覽次數:9


    東南大學 儀器科學與工程學院,江蘇 南京 210096 

    摘 要:為研究高壓開關重擊穿過程的發生規律,分析隔離開關和斷路器操作產生電磁騷擾的特性,對500kV變電站開關操作過程中導致二次回路的電磁干擾進行現場測量,并對開關操作產生的騷擾電壓進行時域和頻域特性分析,確定騷擾等級及主頻范圍。測量結果表明,就地匯控柜內二次設備端口騷擾電壓幅值達到320V,頻率分布集中在45.83MHz之內。斷路器操作時端口騷擾電壓有較大的幅值水平,尤其是斷路器分閘-合閘-分閘操作時端口騷擾電壓在幅值、微脈沖持續時間和上升沿上,相對于隔離開關操作有更為嚴重的情況出現。
    中圖分類號:TM561;TM564.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)10-0046-05

    Actual Measurement Analysis of Transient Electromagnetic Interference Caused by High-Voltage Switch Operation 

    QIAN Jia-bin, WANG Li-hui, WEI Guang-jin 
    School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China 

    Abstract: In order to research the outbreak regularity of the repeated break down process, analysis was made to the characteristics of the electromagnetic disturbance caused by the isolation switch and circuit breaker operation. The electromagnetic disturbance of secondary circuits caused by the switching operation was measured in the field, when 500kV substation just put into operation. This paper analyzed the time and frequency characteristics of disturbance voltage in the transient process and determined the disturbance level and the range of dominant frequency. Measurement results show that the maximum disturbance voltage on the ports of secondary equipment in control cabinets is 320V, and the disturbance frequency is focus on the range of 45.83MHz. There is considerable disturbance voltage amplitude during circuit breaker closing operations. Especially, there is more serious situation on the amplitude, micro-pulse duration and rising time of the disturbance voltage during circuit breaker under opening-closing-opening operations.
    Key words: high-voltage switch operation; electromagnetic interference; time-frequency characteristic; port disturbance voltage

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