(1 建湖供電公司,江蘇 建湖 224700;2 南京工程學院 電力工程學院,江蘇 南京 211167;3 宣城供電公司,安徽 宣城 242000)
摘 要:為提高電力變壓器狀態評估的準確性,建立了一種基于證據合成和云模型的變壓器狀態評估模型。建立變壓器狀態評估體系及等級劃分標準,運用改進層次分析法和熵權法獲取指標權重;運用云模型獲得狀態量對各狀態等級隸屬度,結合兩種權重分別獲得各子系統狀態等級隸屬度;運用改進的D-S證據理論對各子系統兩種狀態等級隸屬度進行融合,再對各子系統進行整體融合,得到最終狀態評估結果。應用實例驗證了該方法的可行性和正確性。
中圖分類號:TM401+.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)02-0012-05
Transformer State Assessment Based on Evidence Synthesis and Cloud Model
CUI Qiang1, LI Ying-long2, LI Zhi-hong3
(1 Jianhu Power Supply Company, Jianhu 224700, China;
2 School of Electric Power Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 2111 67, China;
3 Xuancheng Power Supply Company, Xuancheng 242000, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the accuracy of power transformer condition assessment, this paper established a kind of transformer body evaluation model based on the evidence synthesis and cloud model. The transformer condition evaluation system, together with grading standards, were established, the improved analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and entropy methods obtained the index weight and the cloud model was used to get the membership of state quantity to each state level. Combined with two kinds of weights, the membership of each subsystem state level was obtained. The two state level of membership of improved D-S evidence theory of each subsystem was fused, and then each subsystem was carried out the overall integration to obtain the final state assessment result. The application example verifies the feasibility and correctness of the method.
Key words: power transformer; analytic hierarchy process; entropy weight method; cloud model; evidence theory
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