(國網新疆電力有限公司調度控制中心, 新疆 烏魯木齊 830092)
摘 要:針對廣義聯絡線外送、斷面安全、新能源消納等電網調度運行要求,結合新疆電網實際情況,設計了多目標和多約束條件的自動發電控制系統,通過劃分自動發電控制系統(Automatic Generation Control,AGC)控制區、常規能源斷面、新能源斷面、混合斷面,優化控制策略,實施發電能力探測和發電空間轉移,實現了聯絡線功率控制、斷面安全控制、新能源消納空間拓展和現貨交易實施。
中圖分類號:TM714 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)03-0012-05
Design and Application of Automatic Generation Control System with Multiple Targets and Multiple Constrains
ZHANG Yan-jun, ZHUANG Hong-shan, LI Yong-guang, YU Xiang-tao, MA Xiao-lei, WANG Kai-wei
(Xinjiang Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center, Urumqi 830092, China)
Abstract: In allusion to grid dispatching operation requirements in tie lines’ power transmission, section safety, elimination of new energy sources, combining with Sinkiang grid actual situation, this paper designed the automatic generation control (AGC) system with multiple targets and multiple constrains. By dividing the AGC’s area control, conventional energy control section, new energy control section, hybrid energy control section, optimal control strategy, implementation of power generation capability detection and electricity generation spatial transference, the system realized the power control of tie line, the section safety control, the spatial expansion of new energy sources elimination and spot electricity trading.
Key words: automatic generation control system; tie line; section control; generation capability detection; electricity generation spatial transference
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