(1 南京理工大學 自動化學院,江蘇 南京 210094;2 國網江蘇省電力公司電力科學研究院,江蘇 南京 211100)
摘 要:采用虛擬同步發電機(VSG)策略的電壓源逆變型分布式電源(IIDG)的暫態特性與同步發電機類似,而其電流飽和環節使其暫態特性又有別于同步發電機,使系統暫態穩定分析變得更加復雜?;谀芰亢瘮捣ㄌ岢隽艘环N計及VSG-IIDG電力系統的暫態能量函數。通過分析暫態過程中逆變器的暫態特性,以此構建其虛擬功角模型,并分析了電流飽和環節對能量函數的影響,基于此,采用輸出功率擬合方法構建了計及VSG-IIDG的系統暫態能量函數。利用MATLAB/Simulink進行了仿真,驗證了該方法的有效性。
中圖分類號:TM712 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)03-0007-05
Transient Stability Analysis with VSG-IIDG Power System Based on Energy Function
JIAO Yong-hui1, BU Jing1, ZHANG Ning-yu2, ZHOU Qian2, WANG Cheng-gen2, LIU Jian-kun2
(1 School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China;
2 State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company Research Institute, Nanjing 2111 00, China)
Abstract: The transient characteristics of the voltage source IIDG using VSG strategy are similar to the synchronous generator, but when the current saturation link is considered, their transient characteristics will be different, and the system transient analysis will be more complex. This paper put forward a kind of transient energy function with VSG-IIDG power system based on the energy function. This paper built the virtual power angle model of the inverter by analyzing the inverter transient characteristic during the transient process and analyzed the influence of the current saturation link on the energy function. On the basis of this, the output power fitting method was adopted to establish the transient energy function with the VSG-IIDG power system. Simulink in MATLAB was used to carry out simulation and to verify the effectiveness of this method.
Key words: VSG; inverter; virtual power angle characteristic; transient stability; energy function; output power fitting
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