(國網福建省電力有限公司泉州供電公司,福建 泉州 362000)
摘 要:分析了配電網饋線監控終端遙信及遙控回路特點,設計了一種針對遙信及遙控功能測試裝置。硬件選取可編程控制器(PLC)為核心控制單元,包括人機界面(HMI)觸摸屏、遙信量輸出回路、遙控量輸入回路等,使用了PLC自帶I/0實現饋線監控終端遙信變位、SOE分辨率、遙控事件記錄功能測試?,F場應用表明,該裝置具有精度高、操作簡單、使用方便及運行穩定等優點,達到了預期功能及精度指標。
中圖分類號:TM764.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)04-0053-06
A Test Device for Remote Signaling and Remote Control Function of
Distribution Network Feed Terminal Unit
LIANG Jia-chang, YE Zong-bin, HUANG Xin
(State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company Quanzhou Power Supply Company, Quanzhou 362000, China)
Abstract: This paper analyzed the characteristics of feed terminal remote signaling and remote control circuit of distributed network and
designed a test device with the function of remote signaling and remote control. The PLC was selected as the hardware device control core,
including the human-machine interface (HMI) touch screen, remote signaling output circuit, remote control input circuit, and so on. The test
device completed the functions of remote signaling dislocation test, SOE resolution test, remote control event recording test with the PLC I/O
port. The field application shows that this device has the characteristics of high precision, simple operation, easy usage and stable operation,
reaching the expected functions and precision index.
Key words: feed terminal unit; remote signaling and remote control; PLC; SOE resolution
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