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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    110 kV有載調壓變壓器的優化設計

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-06-13 13:13 瀏覽次數:694
    110 kV有載調壓變壓器的優化設計
    (山東電力設備有限公司,山東 濟南 250022)
        摘 要:以某110 kV有載調壓變壓器為例,從繞組渦流損耗計算、引線結構及電場分布、油箱機械強度等方面進行研究,并進行優化設計,通過選取合理的線規和匝絕緣厚度,來降低線圈運行過程中產生的渦流損耗和線圈幅向尺寸。通過仿真軟件分析及樣機試制,此優化結構實現了電力變壓器小型化設計的目的,節省了原材料用量,降低了儲油柜選用規格,節省了變壓器運輸費用。
        中圖分類號:TM423     文獻標識碼:A      文章編號:1007-3175(2019)06-0053-05
    Optimal Design of 110 kV On-Load Tap Changing Transformer
    LYU Teng-fei, CHEN Chuan-ming, XU Yong-wei, MA Shu-hui
    (Shandong Power Equipment Co., Ltd, Jinan 250022, China)
        Abstract: Taking certain 11 0 kV on-load tap changing transformer for example, research was made to the winding eddy current loss calculation, lead structure, electric field distribution and oil tank mechanical strength etc and the design was optimized. Via reasonable guage selection and turn insulation thickness, the eddy-current loss and coil width size could be reduced in operational process. The simulation software analysis and prototype trial-manufacture shows that this optimized structure realizes the miniaturization design of power transformer, saves the raw material quantity, reduces the select and use specification of oil conservator and saves the transformer transportation expenses.
        Key words: on-load tap changing transformer; eddy-current loss; lead structure; oil tank mechanical strength; optimal design
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