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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-07-16 14:16 瀏覽次數:732
    (天水長開互感器制造有限公司,甘肅 天水 741018)
        摘 要:采用APG制造工藝,可將環氧樹脂產品的生產周期, 從傳統制作方式所需的十幾個小時縮短到十幾分鐘,但制造過程中也經常會出現產品表面存在氣泡、收縮、裂紋等缺陷,影響了絕緣件產品的性能和外觀。對模具設計因素進行了分析,研究了產品制作過程缺陷的成因及控制,并給出了應對措施,指出模具和設備的完好,是保證絕緣件制品質量的重要因素,在具體的工藝控制過程中,車間管理者和技術人員的現場指導、巡查,是保證生產高質量環氧樹脂絕緣件制品的首要條件。
        關鍵詞:APG 制造工藝;模具結構;環氧絕緣件
        中圖分類號:TM591     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)07-0059-03
    Overview of APG Manufacturing Process for Switchgear Insulation Products
    JING Gui-dong
    (Tianshui Changkai Transformer Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Tianshui 741018, China)
        Abstract: By using APG manufacturing process, the production cycle of epoxy resin products can be shortened from more than ten hours required by the traditional manufacturing method to more than ten minutes, but there are often some defects such as bubbles, shrinkage and cracks existing on the surface of products in the manufacturing process, which affect the performance and appearance of insulation products. This paper analyzed the mold design factors, researched the cause and control of defects in product working process and gave the countermeasures. It is pointed out that the mold and equipment in good condition is the important factor to guarantee insulating parts quality. In the concrete technical control process, the site instruction, the tour of inspection of workshop administrator and artisan are the first condition to ensure high quality epoxy resin products.
        Key words: APG manufacturing process; mold structure; epoxy insulating part
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