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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-08-16 10:16 瀏覽次數:729
    (國網蕪湖供電公司,安徽 蕪湖 241000)
        摘 要:為了解決配電網三相電壓不平衡故障判斷和單相接地選線耗時長的缺點,采用VBA語言編程開發配電網輔助決策平臺。在WPS 表格環境下建立用戶窗體,使用VBA語言編寫三相電壓不平衡故障自動判斷程序、接地變電站母線信息自動查詢程序。對配電網輔助決策平臺進行實踐驗證,結果表明基于VBA的配電網輔助決策平臺可以實現配電網三相電壓不平衡故障的輔助判斷和變電站單相接地母線選線順序的輔助生成。
        中圖分類號:TM711     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)08-0050-04
    Development of Auxiliary Decision Platform for Distribution Network Based on Visual Basic for Application
    WANG Ya, WANG Chao, HUANG Jin, FU Jia-jia, ZHANG Xiang-yang
    (State Grid Wuhu Power Supply Company, Wuhu 241000, China)
        Abstract: In order to solve the problem of long time for judging unbalanced three-phase voltage and one-phase ground fault line selection in distribution network, this paper adopted the visual basic for application (VBA) language to develop the auxiliary decision-making platform of distribution network. User forms were built in WPS table environment. The VBA language was used to write the automatic judgment program for three-phase voltage unbalance faults and the automatic inquiry program for bus information of grounded substation. The practical verification of distribution network auxiliary decision-making platform shows that this platform based on VBA can realize the auxiliary judgment of threephase unbalanced voltage fault in distribution network and the auxiliary generation of single-phase-to-ground bus line selection sequence.
        Key words: visual basic for application; word processing system; user forms; three-phase voltage unbalance; auxiliary decision
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