(中國電建集團海南電力設計研究院有限公司,海南 ???570100)
摘 要:為解決遠海島嶼微電網的運行穩定性、可靠性、安全性等問題,提出了一種基于以太網無源光網絡(EPON)技術的海島智能微電網通信系統設計方案?;贓PON技術原理與組網優勢以及海島智能微電網通信系統需求,研究了海島智能微電網通信網絡整體架構,并對海島光纜敷設方案以及EPON光傳輸網絡的具體組網方案進行了設計,實現了一個基于雙EPON光傳輸網絡的高可靠性海島智能微電網通信系統,實際應用表明,該通信系統可有效保障海島微網的穩定運行。
中圖分類號:TM727;TM732 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)08-0017-04
Research and Design of Smart Island Micro-Grid Communication System Based on EPON Technology
PANG Ya-jie, WANG Zhi-jin
(Powerchina Hainan Electric Power Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd, Haikou 570100, China)
Abstract: In order to solve the stability, reliability, safety and other operational problems of the remote island smart micro-grid this paper proposed a kind of design scheme of smart micro-grid communication system based on EPON technology. On the basis of the EPON technology principle and networking advantages and the demand for communication system of island smart micro-grid, this paper studied on the overall network architecture of the island microgrid communication system and designed the plan of cable laying and the specific network scheme of the EPON optical transmission network and realized a high reliability island intelligent micro-grid communication system based on dual EPON network. The practical application shows that the system can effectively guarantee the stable operation of the island micro-grid.
Key words: island micro-grid; communication system; EPON technology; dual network; fiber communication
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