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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-09-19 09:19 瀏覽次數:737
    (國網浙江省電力有限公司金華供電公司,浙江 金華 321017)
         摘 要:隨著電網負荷的逐年攀升,套管的過熱問題也常有發生。介紹了一起套管將軍帽與繞組引線接觸不良而形成的過熱缺陷排查處理案例,并結合另外幾起類似案例,對將軍帽過熱的典型紅外熱像特征進行了分析,并對變壓器直流電阻的測試數據判斷提出了新的要求,為變壓器套管頭過熱問題的檢修策略提供了理論基礎。
        中圖分類號:TM406     文獻標識碼:B      文章編號:1007-3175(2019)09-0054-04
    Typical Characteristic Analysis of Overheat Defect of Transformer Bushing Coupler
    HUANG Xiao-feng
    (State Grid Jinhua Power Supply Company, Jinhua 321017, China)
        Abstract: With the gradual increase of load current in power system, the bushing overheat problem happened frequently.Introduction was made to an overheat defect troubleshoot process case caused by the poor contact between the winding lead and the bushing coupler. Combining with several other similar cases, this paper analyzed the typical infrared thermal image characteristics of bushing coupler overheat and proposed new requirements for judging the test data of transformer DC resistance, which provides the theoretical basis for the overhaul strategy of transformer bushing head overheat problem.
        Key words: bushing; coupler; overheat; infrared temperature measurement technology; DC resistance
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