(國網湖南省電力有限公司檢修公司,湖南 長沙 410004)
摘 要:針對某變電站220 kV變壓器油中多項特征氣體含量超標的故障,利用特征氣體法和三比值法對其故障原因進行了分析,并結合相關試驗結果分析,判斷出故障原因是變壓器內部絕緣紙受潮導致局部放電,經過現場檢查,驗證了分析結果的正確性,并采取相應措施消除了變壓器故障。
中圖分類號:TM411;TM855 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)10-0039-03
Analysis of Fault Causes of Excessive Characteristic Gas Content in Transformer Oil
LI Wen-zhi, SUN Wei, ZHU Juan
(Maintenance Company of State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co., Ltd, Changsha 410004, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the fault of multiple characteristic gases exceeding the standard in a 220 kV transformer oil, this paper analyzed the fault reasons according to the characteristic gas method and the three-ratio method, and combined with relevant tests, it was judged that the partial discharge of damp insulation paper inside the transformer caused the fault. The on-site inspection verifies the correctness of the failure analysis results and the corresponding measures were adopted to eliminate the transformer faults.
Key words: characteristic gas method; three-ratio method; damp insulation paper; partial discharge
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