220 kV電容式電壓互感器N點懸浮放電故障分析
(國網江蘇省電力有限公司南京供電分公司,江蘇 南京 210008)
摘 要:針對具備載波通信功能的電容式電壓互感器拆除結合濾波器后N 點懸浮放電的故障實例,分析了該類型電壓互感器的拓撲結構和工作原理。根據二次接線方式的變化,研究了間隙放電故障對系統產生的具體影響,并仿真分析了該類故障具體的數值化表現。通過對該故障實例的研究,給出了在變電運維巡視工作中針對此類型故障的處理建議。
中圖分類號:TM451+.2 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)10-0036-03
Fault Analysis of N Point Suspension Discharge of 220 kV Capacitive Voltage Transformer
FANG Lei, WANG Yu-wei, ZHOU Neng-ping, JIANG Liang-chen
(Nanjing Power Supply Branch, State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210008, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the fault example of N-point suspension discharge after the removal of capacitive voltage transformer with carrier communication function and the coupling filter, this paper analyzed the topological structure and working principle of the type voltage transformer. According to the change of secondary connection, this paper studied on the concrete influence of gap discharge fault on the system, and simulated and analyzed the specific numerical performance of this kind of faults. Based on the research of this fault example, this paper gave the disposing suggestions for this type of fault in power transformation operation and maintenance inspection.
Key words: capacitive voltage transformer; suspension discharge; fault analysis; implicit features
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