(1 江蘇蘇美達成套設備工程有限公司,江蘇 南京 210018;
2 南京工程學院 電力工程學院,江蘇 南京 211167;3 云南電網有限責任公司楚雄供電局,云南 楚雄 675000)
摘 要:為避免電網電壓跌落時雙饋異步風力發電機組脫網運行,分析了雙饋異步風力發電系統雙PWM變流器控制策略,提出了將超級電容器耦合于風電機組機側變流器和網側變流器之間的直流側母線上的方法,從而借助超級電容器的功率快速吞吐能力實現網側故障時機側變流器與網側變流器之間的功率平衡,有效地穩定了直流側母線電壓?;贛ATLAB/SIMULINK仿真了雙饋異步風力發電系統發生電壓跌落故障,仿真結果表明超級電容器模塊可以有效地減少故障期間的直流側電壓的干擾,能夠在故障清除之后迅速且平穩地恢復有功功率。
中圖分類號:TM53;TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)10-0014-06
Research on DFIG Low Voltage Ride Through Based on Supercapacitor
GE Yu-sheng1, ZHANG Yang-fei2, CHEN Guang-yu2, XU Rui2, JI Si3
(1 Sumec Complete Equipment and Engineering Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210018, China;
2 School of Electric Power Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167 , China;
3 Chuxiong Power Supply Bureau of Yunnan Power Grid Co., Ltd, Chuxiong 675000, China)
Abstract: In order to avoid the off-grid operation of doubly-fed asynchronous wind turbines when the grid voltage drops, this paper analyzed the control strategy of doubly-fed asynchronous wind turbines system and double PWM converter and proposed a method of coupling supercapacitor (SC) to the dc bus located between the wind turbine side converter and the grid-side converter, so as to establish the power balance between the turbine side converter and the grid side converter when the grid side network failed, with the help of the SC's power fast output handling capacity.The above strategy can effectively stabilize the bus voltage on the dc side. The voltage drop fault of DFIG system was simulated based on MATLAB/SIMULINK. The results show that the supercapacitor module can effectively reduce the disturbance of the dc side voltage during the fault period and can recover the active power quickly and smoothly after the fault is cleared.
Key words: supercapacitor; doubly-fed asynchronous power generation; low voltage ride through; control strategy
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