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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-11-19 09:19 瀏覽次數:574


    (1 南瑞集團公司(國網電力科學研究院),江蘇 南京 211106;2 國電南瑞科技股份有限公司,江蘇 南京 211106;
    3 智能電網保護和運行控制國家重點實驗室,江蘇 南京 211106)
        摘 要:電力檢修業務的信息來源相互獨立,該業務由人工根據經驗協調不同部門完成,影響了檢修的工作效率。設計了檢修計劃停電范圍分析的應用系統,在各系統之間建立接口,在編制檢修單時自動將檢修申請單推送至調度系統,再通過網絡拓撲模型,采用拓撲著色、反射原理分析出停電范圍后,將檢修單及其影響的停電用戶推送至供電服務系統,提前指導安排停電通知,使得檢修業務形成閉環自動化管理,實現了檢修業務的流程化、一體化。
        中圖分類號:TM734     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)11-0064-04
    Research on Outage User Aanalysis Application for Maintenance Scheduling Based on Multi-System Interconnection
    FENG Qiu-xia1,2, DING Zhi-yang1,2, XU Xi1,2,3, HUANG Su-juan1,2, SHAN Xin1,2,3
    (1 NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute), Nanjing 2111 06, China;
    2 NARI Technology Development Co., Ltd, Nanjing 2111 06, China;
    3 State Key Laboratory of Smart Grid Protection and Control, Nanjing 2111 06, China)
        Abstract: The information sources of power maintenance business are independent of each other. Now the business is completed by coordinating different departments according to experience, which affects the efficiency of maintenance work. This paper designed the application system to analyze the blackout scope of maintenance plan. The interface between the systems was established, and the maintenance request sheet was automatically pushed to the dispatching system when the maintenance order was compiled. After the blackout scope was analyzed by using the network topology model and the principle of topology coloring and reflection, the maintenance order and the blackout users affected by it were pushed to the power supply service system to guide and arrange the blackout notification in advance, so as to form a closedloop automatic management of the maintenance business, which realizes the process and integration of maintenance business.
        Key words: maintenance scheduling; system interaction; application system; outage range; power supply service
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