酒泉750 kV超高壓換流站關鍵設備試驗技術研究
(1 國網甘肅省電力公司電力科學研究院,甘肅 蘭州 730050;2 蘭州隴能電力科技有限公司,甘肅 蘭州 730050)
摘 要:針對于750 kV超高壓(EHV)換流站關鍵設備的安裝可靠性和穩定運行情況,提出一種能夠實現750 kV電壓等級EHV換流站關鍵設備性能測試的方法,該方法綜合考慮試驗效率和成本經濟性,綜合選取了試驗電源的最佳接入點并設計了對應的接線方式,并以此為基礎構建了換流站關鍵設備通流時的短路電流計算模型,根據計算結果對換流站關鍵設備通流所需的試驗電源和試驗用表進行了優化選擇,以EHV換流站調相機系統和電流互感器(CT)為研究對象,對其保護配置穩定運行情況、極性正誤、變比結果及相位偏置情況進行了分析,通過對酒泉750 kV換流站的調相機系統和CT進行通流試驗,實驗結果表明,提出的方法經過一次通流即可使短路電流通過調相機系統母線、短引線、主變壓器及調相機CT,首次實現了國內750 kV電壓等級EHV換流站調相機系統等關鍵設備的順利調試。
中圖分類號:TM835 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)11-0053-04
Research on Key Equipment Testing Technology of 750 kV EHV Converter Station in Jiuquan
CHEN Shi-bin1, WANG Xiao-fei1, LYU Bin2, YANG Yu-ting2, SHI Wan-wei2
(1 Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company, Lanzhou 730050, China;
2 Lanzhou Longneng Electric Power Science&Technology Ltd, Lanzhou 730050, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the installing reliability and stability situation of key equipments in 750 kV EHV converter station, this paper proposed a kind of method to realize the key equipments performance test in EHV converter station of 750 kV voltage classes. This method comprehensively considered the test efficiency and economy of the test, selected the optimum access point of experimental power supply and designed the corresponding wiring mode.On the basis of this, this paper established the short circuit calculation model when there were currents passing through in the key equipment of EHV converter station. According to the calculation result, this paper carried out the optimization selection for the testing power supply and forms needed when there were currents passing through in the key equipment of EHV converter station.Taking the synchronous condenser system of EHV converter station and CT as the research object, this paper analyzed its protection configuration stable operation situation, polarity true-false, turns ratio result and phase bias situation.The synchronous condenser system in 750 kV EHV converter station of Jiuquan and the CT were carried out currents passing through tests.The experimental results show that one time currents passing through can make the short circuit get through the synchronous condenser system busbar, the short leg, the main transformer and the synchronous condenser CT.It is the first time that the synchronous condenser systems in EHV converter station of 750 kV voltage classes at home etc key equipments have been debugged smoothly.
Key words: Jiuquan converter station; synchronous condenser system; short circuit current; flow-through test
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