(1 山東省產品質量檢驗研究院,山東 濟南 250102;2 中國質量認證中心,北京 100070)
摘 要:塑料外殼式斷路器(MCCB)廣泛應用于輸配電和供電用電系統中,起保護作用。在GB/T 14048.2—2008國家標準中,規定了斷路器的基本要求和試驗方法,介紹了MCCB的脫扣極限和特性及額定極限短路分斷能力兩個關鍵試驗,結合產品質量監督抽查檢驗結果,對斷路器質量問題進行了分析,繪制了用于質量改進方法研究的排列圖,為進行斷路器質量改進和性能優化及其可靠性研究提供了理論依據,實例驗證表明,該方法是有效可行的。
中圖分類號:TM561 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)11-0049-04
Research on Circuit Breaker Quality Improvement Method Based on Critical Test
CONG Lin1, FAN Xue-ming2, XIN Tian1, ZHAO Yi1
(1 Shandong Institute of Inspection on Product Quality, Jinan 250102, China;2 China Quality Certification Center, Beijing 100070, China)
Abstract: MCCB is widely used in power transmission and distribution of electricity and power supply system. It is the main component of circuit protection. GB/T 14048.2-2008 provides the basic requirements and test methods for circuit breaker. This paper focused on two key tests of tripping limit and characteristics, rated limit and short-circuit breaking capacity of MCCB. The quality problems were analyzed according to the inspection results of product quality supervision and spot check. A pareto diagram for the study of quality improvement method was presented, which provides a theoretical basis for the quality improvement, performance optimization and reliability study of the circuit breaker. An example shows that this method is effective and feasible.
Key words: circuit breaker; trip limit and characteristic; rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity; quality improvement; pareto diagram
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